Series Dragon Ball (ドラゴンボール) is a Japanese manga written by Akira Toriyama in 1984. Toriyama, written and illustrated the initial manga, with the 519 chapters total divided into 42 volumes for which Shueisha was the publisher. The series was inspired by Journey to the West, a 1600s Chinese novel, merge with Hong Kong martial arts features.
The story about the adventures of Son Goku whose life was about martial arts. He spends a long time far from advancement. Till he meets up with Bulma, a teen girl who motivates him to join her adventure. This adventure about finding seven magical stones, the Dragon Balls. These stones when gathered can summon a wish-granting dragon.
Along his journey, Goku has several other friends, gets married Chi-Chi, finds out the truth about his past, his alien heritage. And encounters many villains, a lot of them also seek the stones.
Since 1984, Dragon Ball then becomes one of the greatest manga and anime series. Along with manga releases in over 40 countries and anime releases in more than 80 countries. In Japan only, Dragon Ball has sold over 160 million manga copies and approximately 250–300 million copies in the world. For this reason, the manga series consider being one of the best-selling manga series in history.
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